Monday, September 9, 2013

Mayfield, Kentucky

Elder Moore has been serving in Mayfield, Kentucky for most of his mission. He has been serving there since April and he loves it there!

The Work:
"We have been teaching a lady who said that she would become a member of the Church if she knew the Book of Mormon was true.  It was a pretty cool experience though!  We were teaching Friday and we planned to read 2 Nephi 2 and go over a little bit of the Plan of Salvation with her.  When we first started Elder Day started with the question How do you expect and answer from the Holy Ghost to come?  And after he asked the question the Spirit took over right away and we got into a discussion about how the Holy Ghost works and how answers come.  We also talked about how God works by small and simple means and that learning come line upon line.  It was definitely an amazing experience and I am pretty positive we helped her realize that she can't try to learn every tidbit within the Book of Mormon right away but that it'll come little by little.  It was pretty awesome."
"We mostly knock on doors here in Mayfield.  A whole lot of tracting!  We don't even work with an entire stake.  We just cover a single ward, well here in Mayfield it is a branch.  Usually the Zones are the area of a Stake and each individual area is usually a ward/branch.  Sometimes there are two sets or more in a single area, like here we have a Spanish speaking and English speaking.  Our teaching goes well."
"We have also been trying to focus our efforts on the less active people.  That can be tough sometimes though.  Some people just don't understand.  Really makes me want to make sure that I never go less active because from what I have seen once you get out and comfortable it sure is difficult to get back into the swing of things!"

"It has been pretty hot as well, and it has rained.  There was one day it down poured like crazy!  We were in the car and had just left our apartment after lunch and we were driving on the main road, as we were driving we see this wall and it kinda looked like a wall of fog.  As we get closer we sit it is a wall of rain!  It was crazy how much there was, ya could barely even see!  It was so crazy how much rain there was!"
"Pretty crazy how hot it has been back there, sure glad I am missing, but then again it can't be any worse than here.  Humidity is so annoying!"

"Every Thursday we go to a Food Pantry were they hand out bags of food to people who need it and we help there.  We fill the bags and put them into peoples cars.  I really love doing it!  And the people who are the main people there really appreciate our help so I am glad that we are very able to help out a lot."
"This week I also dumped chicks.  Lots of them!  We helped our Branch President with his job, well kind of.  We actually slow him down a little bit, but it is such an great experience I am glad that he gives us a chance to do it!  It was such a blast I really enjoy it. The chicks we dumped just get dumped into a barn and it isn't a conveyor belt, it is just a platform kind of thing that they slide down.  They raise the chicks, which they mature in about 6 weeks and send them out to factories like Tyson and others so that they can make their meats."

Temple Trip:
"We had the opportunity to go to the Temple.  It was so awesome. The Temple really is a beautiful place though!  It is so small, it is like a little pocket edition of Temples.  The crazy thing is that it is right next to a Stake Center and the Stake Center is probably bigger than the Temple!  But it is so beautiful. I dearly love the Temple.  I definitely enjoyed my Temple trip.  While in the Temple I was prompted to study the Atonement.  So while I was there I read in Luke about the suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane.  Then I have been continuing the study of the Atonement the past couple days and will continue to study it in the days to come.  I have been reading in Preach My Gospel and True to the Faith and been looking up the scriptures.  I plan to study some talks by past apostles and prophets and reading about the Atonement in Jesus the Christ and in anything else that I can find.  It really is an incredible event.  Everything about it amazes me, it surely is a powerful thing.  All things within the gospel are made possible by it.  It amazes me how much love the Savior and Heavenly Father had for us to allow for such a thing as this to happen.  And I am dearly grateful, I am so excited to be able to study more and get more into.  It'll be a really, and has been, a great experience!"

For you all that know Cody well, you know how picky he is! He has tried so much new food and some crazy stuff that we are dying that he has eaten!
"Oh and by the way for dinner last Saturday I ate leugua de vaca.  Now since y’all don't understand Spanish I guess I'll have to translate.  That translates into Cow Tongue.  Yes y’all read it correctly, cow tongue!  Pretty crazy huh.  Thankfully I didn't know what it was while eating.  Then after dinner she showed all of us a picture on her phone and it was her holding up a cow tongue over the stove.  It wasn't terrible for what it was.  But if I had a choice I probably wouldn't eat it again."  
"I also made my first attempt at cooking eggs yesterday.  I am not sick so I must have cooked them good enough! haha!"
"Just thought I liked to tell ya that we get to eat Squirrel this next Tuesday!  I am pretty excited, I not gonna lie.  Hopefully it is good, but I'll do it just to say that I did it!"

As always, Elder Moore would love to hear from you! Send him a letter to:
Elder Frank Cody Moore
Tennessee Nashville Mission
105 Westpark Dr Ste 190
Brentwood, TN 37027

1 comment:

Cathy Bubert said...

Elder Moore sounds great! So fun to hear about his mission!